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R&S®DDF5GTS High-Speed Scanning Direction Finder
Категория - Дополнительные продукты
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Fast, accurate direction findingKey Facts
- Top DF scan speed thanks to three-channel architecture and outstanding realtime bandwidth
- High DF accuracy, sensitivity and immunity to reflections
- Integrated super-resolution DF method
- Compliance with all ITU recommendations, ITU-compliant measurements available as an option
- Easy integration into mobile platforms thanks to optional DC power supply
Brief Description The R&S®DDF5GTS high-speed scanning direction finder offers outstanding realtime bandwidth and DF scan speed as well as high DF accuracy, sensitivity and immunity to reflections. Thanks to the integrated super-resolution DF method (availability on request), the direction finder is ideal for complex signal scenarios.
Features & Benefits
- Direction finding of extremely fast frequency agile signals with high probability of intercept
- High DF scan speed thanks to 80 MHz realtime bandwidth
- Direction finding and location of frequency hopping transmitters with up to 2000 hops/s
- Direction finding and location of pulses with a duration of 10 µs
- Reliable DF results even in challenging environments
- Higher immunity to reflections due to DF antennas with a very large number of antenna elements
- Stable bearings even with a 50 percent share of reflections
- Super-resolution DF method
- Direction finding for co-channel signals
- Super-resolution DF method as standard
- Innovative DF antennas
- Active/passive switchover with just a mouse click
- Exceptionally high DF sensitivity
- Integrated, extendible lightning protection
- Easy replacement of DF antennas
- Precise direction finding of weak signals
- High DF sensitivity due to large number of antenna elements
- Adjustable coherent signal integration in wideband DF mode and DF scan mode for enhanced DF sensitivity
- Accurate and reliable location of short-duration signals
- GPS-based synchronization of multiple R&S®DDF5GTS (time-synchronized DF scan mode)
- Optional preclassifier for detecting LPI signals and summarizing individual results into a condensed result
- Special and exceptionally powerful receive path for signal measurement
- Special and exceptionally powerful receive path
- Improved analog architecture of the receive path
- Especially powerful analog/digital converters
- Considerable advantages in the case of weak signals and dense signal scenarios
- Effective measurements in line with ITU recommendations
- Compliance with all ITU recommendations for direction finders and receivers
- Option for comprehensive, ITU-compliant measurement methods
- Receive mode with integrated antenna matrix
- Very fast panorama scan
- Integrated antenna matrix for connecting up to three VHF/UHF/SHF receiving antennas and up to three HF receiving antennas (option) in addition to the DF antenna
- Independent DDC channel
- Selection of the antenna element with maximum signal level
- Signal analysis in parallel to direction finding
- Output of I/Q data for parallel signal analysis with R&S®CA120 (available on request)
- Powerful hardware developed by Rohde & Schwarz
- In-house development and manufacture of all DF system components, including the DF antenna
- Signal processing at maximum speed based on powerful FPGAs
- Use of powerful Rohde & Schwarz ASICs
- High immunity to strong signals thanks to sophisticated preselection
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